
Showing posts from March, 2022

Installing Crunchy Postgres Operator v5 on EKS

In my previous post I described how to deploy Crunchy Postgres Operator v4 on Kubernetes and use it to achieve disaster recovery and high availability. The new major version, v5 was released last year and the installation methods have significantly changed.  Crunchy Postgres Operator (PGO) v5 allows you to deploy PGO and your PostgreSQL clusters through Kustomize or Helm and manage your PostgreSQL clusters using kubectl command instead of pgo used in v4. This post describes how to install PGO v5 and create PostgreSQL cluster on Amazon EKS using Kustomize. Prerequisites Before you start, make sure you have installed the following tools: AWS CLI eksctl kubectl An access key ID and secret access key An Amazon S3 bucket (In this tutorial we create a bucket named my-postgres-bucket and specify the bucket name in the PostgresCluster YAML file) Creating an Amazon EKS cluster Create a 3 nodes Amazon EKS cluster with the latest Kubernetes version 1.21 in region us-west-2. $ eksctl cr...

Installing Pgpool-II on Debian/Ubuntu

First of all, many thanks to the PostgreSQL Global Development Group (PGDG) for creating Pgpool-II packages for Debian and Ubuntu. This post shows you step by step how to install Pgpool-II using official APT repository provided by PGDG. Prerequisites This blog assumes you have already installed two PostgreSQL 14 servers and setup streaming replication between the PostgreSQL servers.   For testing purpose,we set trust authentication in pg_hba.conf . In a production environment, Please follow the PostgreSQL and Pgpool-II documentation to configure proper authentication settings.  Install Pgpool-II To use the PostgreSQL apt repository, follow the steps below. Create the repository configuration file: # echo "deb $(lsb_release -cs)-pgdg main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/pgdg.list Import the repository signing key: # wget --quiet -O - | sudo apt-key add - Update the package lists: # ...