
Showing posts from July, 2021

Deploying Pgpool-II Exporter with Docker

Pgpool-II Exporter is an open source exporter which exposes Pgpool-II and PostgreSQL cluster's metrics which can be collected by Prometheus. In this previous post , I described how to build and run Pgpool-II Exporter on a local machine. PgPool Global Development Group provides Docker images for Pgpool-II Exporter to simply and speed up the deployment process. In this post, I'll show how to get Pgpool-II Exporter running using Docker.  To deploy and verify Pgpool-II Exporter, you need: Two PostgreSQL containers configured with streaming replication (1 primary and 1 replica) A running Pgpool-II container. The Pgpool-II container will direct write queries to the primary and read queries to the primary or replica. Let's get started. Running a PostgreSQL streaming replication cluster In this post, we use Crunchy Data Container to deploy a PostgreSQL streaming replication cluster manually . In a production environment , PostgreSQL Operator for Kubernetes is the recommended w...

Disaster Recovery Strategies for PostgreSQL Deployments on Kubernetes (Part 2)

In my previous post , I described how to use multi-cluster architecture provided by Crunchy PostgreSQL Operator to achieve disaster recovery and high availability on Kubernetes. As mentioned in the previous post, both  Crunchy PostgreSQL Operator and Zalando PostgreSQL Operator support for multi-cluster deployments. In this post, I am going to describe how to use Zalando PostgreSQL Operator to deploy active/standby PostgreSQL clusters. Multi-Cluster Architecture in Zalando PostgreSQL Operator Below is the multi-cluster architecture in Zalando PostgreSQL Operator. The basic mechanism is same as Crunchy PostgreSQL Operator. But you need to be aware of the following:  At the moment, S3 is only allowed for deploying a standby cluster. This means if you want to setup a standby cluster, you must use S3 for the external storage. On the other hand, Crunchy PostgreSQL Operator allows you to use both S3 and GCS to deploy a standby cluster. As mentioned in the documentation , it is ...