Deploying Pgpool-II Exporter with Docker
Pgpool-II Exporter is an open source exporter which exposes Pgpool-II and PostgreSQL cluster's metrics which can be collected by Prometheus. In this previous post , I described how to build and run Pgpool-II Exporter on a local machine. PgPool Global Development Group provides Docker images for Pgpool-II Exporter to simply and speed up the deployment process. In this post, I'll show how to get Pgpool-II Exporter running using Docker. To deploy and verify Pgpool-II Exporter, you need: Two PostgreSQL containers configured with streaming replication (1 primary and 1 replica) A running Pgpool-II container. The Pgpool-II container will direct write queries to the primary and read queries to the primary or replica. Let's get started. Running a PostgreSQL streaming replication cluster In this post, we use Crunchy Data Container to deploy a PostgreSQL streaming replication cluster manually . In a production environment , PostgreSQL Operator for Kubernetes is the recommended w...